About Us
We are a high end dental Laboratory and we specialise in full porcelain implant and crown and bridge restoration with high end Technology
Our main goal is to provide restorations what look naturally, and this is the tough part to replica nature, here are some guidelines what we learned over the years with experience what we would like to share with you.
We are very proud of our work and like in any trade to get a nice result, it is very important to have a nice foundation to work with, in the field of dental technology the first job is done by the doctor, and it starts with the preparation of the tooth for a crown ( nice prep enough clearance, adjusting contacts on adjacent teeth if needed or also the antagonist) or the placement of the implant, we understand that in some cases there is only so much that can be done about it.
Then it comes to taking a proper impression clear margin no distortion and full adjecent teeth to see the structure of the surrounding.
When it comes to anterior preparation with a dead tooth underneath or a metal post and core we would advice you to opaque it with composite in the color of the surrounding teeth before taking the impression, and in this way we can match the color of the natural adjacent teeth much better since we are working with glass ceramic crowns, and like the name says, the color behind it especially dark colours will change the final look of it.
(that's why they opaque the metal on pfm crowns)
If you decide to work with triple tray impressions instead of full mouth impressions, we'd advice to provide us a study model of the situation before the tooth is being prepared, it will guide us with the placement of the Crown, on a full mouth impression we can study the other half to see the natural position of the teeth.